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Cancer - a natural cure?

Cancer any sends a shudder through your body. No one wants to hear the words, "you have cancer." It is associated with a death sentence and, very often, that unsuspecting and without notice. You feel violated and stole a future. However, you are not alone. One of every three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime and one in four will die. This year only, more than 989,200 people will die of cancer of the United States.
It is possible that there is something in the nature, easily accessible and readily available that could not only to cure cancer, but prevent it? And if there is, why we do not know about it? Why is this not on the evening news and in the titles of all major newspapers? It is possible that there is something sinister at work here?

Survival rate of Cancer of the lung - prevention and Nutrition advice

The survival rates of people with lung cancer over the whole of the population rates of survival for lung cancer 5 years ranges from 5% to 16% international.

There are some factors influence lung cancer survival rate. The scene, it is when a diagnosis, the patient's condition plays the leading role in the determination of survival. The cancer survival is usually expressed in terms of a 5-year survival rate, which is the percentage of patients with cancer survive at least five years after their cancer is diagnosed.
Obviously, there is a way to prevent cancer from even entering your life. There is a method by which you can in fact completely prevent cancer and we forget "Lung Cancer survival rate" discussion here. It is not difficult to bear, or it is just as simple as eating the apricot seeds.

One of nutrition to prevent lung cancer and improve survival rates takes apricots seeds. Apricot is very popular in United States, fresh and dried. However, the formula of nutrition important which can prevent cancer and help the cancer patient is them seeds-also called apricot kernels that can prevent cancer. If you eat a certain amount per day (approximately 7 grams per day, but which may vary), apricots seeds can really prevent you from getting cancer.

Seeds apricots: apricots seeds are natural Alternative Cancer Treatment?

My best friend and life partner, Colleen, is a cancer survivor. In 2000, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Doctors used treatments against cancer traditional on it, including radiation, multiple surgeries, and drug therapy, which lasted several years. It did not take advantage of all this. In 2005, she was diagnosed terminal. This time, she decides to several of its search options. It. She lives today because of this decision. She dedicated her life to helping others with their journey of cancer treatment. My goal is to help the Colleen to help others. I truly believe that cancer is preventable in most cases.
Cancer is on the rise and cancer survival rates have improved slightly, only because the symptoms of cancer are recognized and diagnosed earlier. And many of those diagnosed or who have loved those cancer patients choose to inform more solutions alternative to traditional cancer treatments. Many are realizing that cancer treatment traditionally through the practice of the combustion of radiation poisoning with chemotherapy, surgery may be deleting or not what is good for them. However, one thing which is common for traditional cancer treatment and worlds of alternative cancer treatment is a healthy diet is essential.

Vitamin B17

For many years, the research was conducted around the world seeking a cure for cancer. Amygdalin or laetrile as vitamin B17 is called, has been known to contain ingredients that are beneficial in the fight against cancer. Composed of two glucose molecules, it is extracted from almonds and apricot seeds.
While research is still ongoing and the toxicity of the amygdalin is is clear step, the contribution of this supplement should not be more than 3 grams per day, distributed on three equal intervals. Apricots seeds is not locally available in regular, vitamin stores B17 in its raw form is not readily available. Therefore, natural extracts have been actually used as a substitute.


Apricots seeds can save your life.


Apricots seeds are, like most of nuts and seeds, very nutritious. Apricots seeds have been used to treat tumors as early as AD 502. Apricot seeds are taken by many people in the treatment of cancer, because they contain high doses of vitamin B17, an amplifier of the immune system. Apricots seeds are an essential source of glycosides cyanogenic and laetrile is considered a kind of treatment or cancer.

Do you know what an alternative Option is relative to your health?

The classic definition of alternative medicine is "A system of thought which is a completely different method of the Orthodox approach".

Discuss specifically how it relates to cancer.

The medical establishment considered a tumor or the area of cancer in a localized condition and Orthodox medicine locally treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery.

On the other hand, the other approach considers that cancer is a systemic that takes its source in the whole of the body.

As you can see, these two approaches are totally different from each other. What this means for the physician practice alternative medicine, is that to treat only the area affected by breast cancer is totally wrong. He believes that the entire body must be under treatment.


Apricots seeds for the health of the immune system


We want all our immune function well systems. After all, it is our immune system which prevent us from getting sick. It is easy to see that people sometimes have to strengthen the immune system. For example, take a look at teacher in an elementary school building. Some teachers may get off with each cold, flu, or bug happening around of - they are usually newly hired teachers or teachers who are new to the school system. Other teachers who have rarely patients have immune systems stronger in these types of diseases because their bodies are adapted to this specific parameter.

There are ways to stimulate the immune system, although that-methods through which any person may work in an attempt to strengthen his immune system to be less sensitive to the two regular, types of daily of diseases and more serious diseases such as cancer.

You can increase your immune system by the apricot seeds. While many conventional doctors may not subscribe to this theory, it works (and in any event, conventional doctors almost always reject alternative therapies for at the outset, Don't they?).

Taking the apricots seeds works to prevent "bad" cells in your body to form, thereby strengthening your immune system. Apricots seeds have toxin cyanide in their structure; The cyanide, however, is released only when the amygdalin of apricots seed comes into contact with a "bad" cell in your body. At this time, cyanide works to destroy the bad cells.

If you take apricots seeds on a regular basis, your body will remain free of the "bad" cells that often cause more serious types of diseases, including cancer and detoxified.

There are hundreds of different types of cancer. The chances of obtaining certain types of cancer at some point in your life are relatively high-especially considering that scientists tell us.

They tell us that our bodies are continually cancer cells. It is quite scary, isn't it? Well, there is a way to prevent cancer cells never become cancer - a way to destroy the cells before they have the chance to do wrong. It involves the use of apricots seed.

Normally, our immune system can deal with the cancer cells that produce of our body, say scientists. However, if you do? This means that you will develop a type of cancer. Then, perhaps you should try taking apricots seeds as a method of preventing cancer... just in case.

Apricots seeds?

Now, before you go to your store local health or nutrition foods and enter any bag of apricots seeds, you can find, there are a few things you should know. First of all, apricot seeds that you would find in your local store is not the type of seed, that you could use for the prevention of cancer.

Health food stores carry apricots, dried in the Sun or roasted grains. These can have the benefits, they do not all types of cancer prevention properties. Instead, you need the raw seeds of apricots.

Why raw apricots seeds?

Raw apricots seeds have a special construction that allows them to destroy cancer patients - in cells in the process of roasting seeds or drying in the Sun seeds, this special construction is, itself, destroyed. Roasted and Sun-dried seeds do not have the component that is needed to destroy cancer cells.

Raw seeds are composed of amygdalin. Amygdalin was locked cyanide that only cancerous cells can unlock. When amygdalin comes in contact with a cancerous cell, cyanide comes and destroys the cells. It is this component that lack the apricots seeds roasted and Sun dried. Amygdalin is also called B17. In its extracted form, pure, he is also known as laetrile. Laetrile was used to treat people with cancer in certain cancer clinics.

Vitamin B17 - what is?

cure-cancer-vit-b17-laetrile-amygdalinAny type of search around the internet for the prevention of cancer will bring up results for vitamin B17. This puzzle usually people, because most people have never heard of this B vitamin.

Of course, everyone has heard b vitamins - many people are even regularly for a tablet of vitamin b complex every day which includes the eight B vitamins. However, vitamin B17 is certainly not those of the vitamin b complex; It is a subject which most people are aware.

What is this B vitamin?

Vitamin B17 - which has a chemical name of laetrile - is essentially the purified form of amygdalin. Amygdalin is a substance which is more widespread in the seeds of the apricots, although it is also present in some other foods.

It can be ingested eat apricots seeds (or, in much smaller quantities, other food containing the substance). Or, it can be taken in pill form. The tablets are generally available in concentrations of 100 mg or 500 mg.

Alternative medicine for the treatment of Cancer


Cancer is the name given to any disease resulting from one of our cells of the body growing out of control. There are many processes that control growth and division, a cell that can wrong turn. Many of these control mechanisms must be damaged prior to a cell becomes cancerous. There are more than 200 different types of cancers, which are classified in Carcinoma, Sarcoma, lymphoma and based on the cells they flow from leukemia.

The principles involved in the treatment of cancer are - directly destroying the cancer tissue or indirectly destroy by denying blood supply and/or their nutrition. But the irony is that conventional treatment is used to destroy cancer cells affect normal cells also to some extent. They can damage the intestine of the liver, skin, bone marrow and other rapidly multiplying cells. The effect of the treatment is sometimes more devastating than the disease itself.

Role of Alternative Medicine in the treatment of cancer

A study in the use of medicine Alternative in patients with different types of cancer was published in the July 2000 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology. It was found that almost 70% of the patients used in alternative medicine at least a form with the conventional treatment. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) sponsored a number of clinical trials in medical centres to assess other medical treatment of cancer.

Alternative medicine includes therapies such as medicines, vitamins, special diets and acupuncture among others.

* Acupuncture:

-efficient in the management of nausea associated with chemotherapy and

vomiting and in control of the pain associated with surgery. Now used in a

trial to reduce the symptoms of colorectal cancer

* Homeopathy

* Ayurveda

* Shark cartilage: tried in non-small cell lung cancer. It prevents the growth of blood nine ships

* Hyperbaric oxygen: patients with larynx removed for cancer of the larynx

* Massage therapy: cancer fatigue related

* Pancreatic enzyme therapy with diet specializing in the treatment of cancer of the pancreas

* The GUI retrieves: for the treatment of solid tumors

* Therapy quackgrass

* The macrobiotique: Macrobiotic Diet is strictly vegetarian and requires you to consume about half of your calories daily of whole grains, a quarter of your calories from vegetables and the rest of your calories from beans, seaweed and soups

* Bioelectric therapy

* The Moerman anti-cancer diet

* Therapy herbal Hoxsey

* Therapy herbal Essiac: Essiac is a mixture of tea which relieves pain and reduces the size of the tumor. It contains four herbs-burdock, rhubarb, Sorrel and Elm

* Therapy herbal Pau d'Arco

* Therapy herbal chaparral

* Laetrile (amygdalin): a chemical found in the beans of lima, raw nuts and pits of many fruits. Product amygdalin cyanide, which application developers kills cancer

Alkaline food plan: as fruit and vegetables and limiting acidic foods

* Antioxidant in fruit and vegetables

* Vitamins A, C and e: they are very good anti oxidant

* Detox therapies, including nutrition metabolic therapy of Gonzales, colon therapy and treatment in Gerson
The most successful practitioners integrate the various components of a better result alternative cancer treatments.

If the alternative treatment procedures can be effective? -The truth behind this thinking


It is true that the traditional cancer treatment is not always effective. In fact, it often does not lead to complete curing. For this reason, some patients diagnosed with the condition could eventually decide to opt for another treatment. It is worth to discuss the effectiveness of these alternative treatments more in detail.

Acupuncture has gained popularity in the useful alternative cancer treatment. Several clinical trials were conducted to test the effectiveness of this method. The evidence shows that this form of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can provide for the strengthening of the immune system. In turn, the body is able to combat the disease.

The extent that acupuncture is effective, however, has not been determined. In addition, there are medical forms of treatment that are designed to use the immune system to fight cancer. They show a good level of efficiency, but they are usually combined with other forms of traditional treatment such as surgery, for example. Given this, it can be said that acupuncture can facilitate the treatment of cancer, but this alternative treatment can be used on its own.

Medicine traditional Ayurvedic Indian and its methods may be used as the alternative cancer treatment. This type of treatment is designed to achieve a perfect balance between mind, body and soul to the use of different techniques. Even if these techniques have shown the positive effects to deal with the anxiety and pain, there is no medical evidence that they are working to kill abnormal tumour cells. This applies to yoga as well.

Aromatherapy and essential oils are also sometimes used as another form of cancer treatment. The results of research show that this therapy is effective for relieving anxiety and depression. Applied topical oils have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial mild effects as well. However, these forms of therapy cannot treat cancer in any way.

This is true for hypnosis and other methods of the mind and body. It was suggested that you can do while using the power of your mind. This includes making them a tumor disappear. The reality is that there is no clinical or any other type of scientific evidence that the methods of the mind and body. It is true however that hypnosis has shown positive results in helping patients deal with traditional medical care and with post-processing effects.

It has been suggested that a specific type of diet can treatment and cure of cancer. The most popular types of this alternative form of cancer treatment is the Gerson therapy. It recommends that the use of a diet detoxification and nutritional supplements to release toxins from the body and it hardening of the tumor. There is no scientific evidence of any kind in support of the application that the Gerson therapy can treat cancer.

Similarly, Gonzalez schema, which includes the use of a specific plan and the contribution of the enzymes, dietary supplements and extracts of animal organs, has not been proven to work. Research on it is limited and the results are conflicting. The contribution of coenzyme Q10 is also sometimes used as an alternative cancer treatment, but there is no evidence whatsoever that it can function effectively.

There are various biological and pharmacological treatments which are used as alternatives to medical traditional forms to treat patients with cancer. These therapies involve the consumption of different drugs, complex natural substances and hormones. These are not designed to treat cancer, but it is thought that they could. The most notable forms of alternative cancer treatment pharmacological and biological include intake antineoplastons, sulfate of hydrazine, 714-X, laetrile and amygdalin.

Bovine cartridge and the shark and Newcastle disease virus are also used for the treatment of cancer. The evidence of the effectiveness of all these substances are not conclusive, if lacking any. It is particularly important for patients undergoing a traditional medical treatment not step to adopt one of these methods without discussion with their oncologist.

Overall, it can safely be said that the alternative cancer treatment has not been proven to be effective. Some of its forms can be effective as complementary to traditional treatment. However, it is also true that some of its forms can be potentially dangerous for patients.

It is particularly important to keep in mind that there are alternative forms offering crooks to heal cancer patients and their families in exchange for money. Given all the information presented above, no one can guarantee treatment and effective alternative treatment.

Alternative treatments for Prostate Cancer


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

Chinese men in China have the lowest incidence of prostate cancer. They Chinese perhaps know something on cancer of the prostate that we do not know. According to the TCM philosophy, tumor is the result of blocked or stagnant chi (energy). Doctors agree to this statement, stressing the benefits of regular ejaculation to promote fluid turnover in this region.

Approach to TCM involve regenerating the body with herbs, followed by stimulating the immune system.

Massage of the prostate

Subscribe to the philosophy flowing chi TCM to maintain the health of the prostate, prostate massage and its surrounding neighbourhoods can promote increase blood and relaxing flow, softening and shrinking of the prostate.

Essaic tea

Essaic tea is a proven to reduce the tumor, it is not new. Essaic tea has been used since the 1920s, and it is powerful, even in advanced cancer. Careful considerations should be practised during storage and preparation of essaic tea.

Stay away from the freeze. Preparation must not be made with plastic or aluminum holder.

Noni juice

Plant extract noni, not limited to fruit is not only known for its properties of tumor suppressant, it works very quickly. Patients who have had a significant amount of it (recommended 32 g per day dose) experience an improvement as early as 10 days.

Select a non-sweet version as much as possible, have a strong chance to maintain its medicinal properties and retrieve other parts of the tree as well. The reason behind the miracle of noni juice is it stimulate the body to produce nitric oxide which provide oxygen to the cancerous cell, kill the process.

Noni juice regulate blood circulation (prevent chi stagnation) and nitric oxide decreases cancer growth by boosting the immune defence against spectacular replication of cells. Pregnant women and people with liver complication should not take noni juice.

Amygdalin (Laetrile, vitamin B17)

The researchers found that amygdalin caused a statistically significant increase in the capacity of the white blood cells to adhere to its own cells of prostate cancer, suggesting an immune stimulating the potential of amygdalin.

Commercial amygdalin are usually harvested in the apricot kernels.

Shark cartilage

Inhibitor of angiogenesis, cartilage of shark is not a traditional medicine.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 can be useful in the treatment of cancer, because it strengthen the immune system. Also, the studies conclude that similar CoQ10 (drugs which are similar to the CoQ10) may prevent the growth of cancer cells directly. As an antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 may help prevent cancer from developing countries.

Intravenous vitamin c

Five of the nine types of cancer cells that have been put in the simulated cavity fluid died when concentrated vitamin c has been added to the antenna. Better yet, this deadly solution even had no effect on healthy cells.

Eat your way to get the same level of determination of vitamin c is not viable as the body will eliminate it as quickly as you can eat, hence the need to connect directly to the blood.

Nutrients and the benefits of apricots


Apricots are a good source of fibre with insoluble cellulose and lignin in the skin and water-soluble pectin in the flesh. Creamy Golden apricot colour comes from dark yellow carotenes (including beta carotene) that make the result of a good source of vitamin a. apricots also have vitamin c and iron.

The bark, leaves and the internal stony pit of apricot all contain amygdalin which is a natural compound that degrades to release the cyanide of hydrogen or prussic acid in the stomach. Apricot oil, treated during processing to remove cyanide, marked FFPA to show that it is "free from prussic acid.

Excerpt from apricots wells, medically called Laetrile, has been used by some alternative practitioners to treat cancer on the theory that the cyanide in amygdalin is released only when it comes into contact with beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme common to the tumor cells. Scientifically designed amygdalin tests have not shown this is true. Laetrile is illegal in the United States.

The most nutritious way to serve the apricot is when it is dried. Ounce for ounce, dried apricots are richer in nutrients and fiber than apricots fees.

Plans which may limit or exclude apricots are low diet fiber, potassium low diet and the diet low in sodium (dried apricots contain sodium sulfide).

What is the Alternative Cancer Treatment?


alternative cancer treatmentMajor re-evaluation in recent years one of the nature and causes of cancer has occurred. Cancer was once considered a localized, disease characterized by a lesion, usually in the form of growth appearing to a specific part of the body. This localized injury appeared to be the result of activity produced by a virus invader, carcinogenic agent or form any trauma.

Today, the conviction among researchers and physicians, which is a growing conviction is that cancer is a complex disease that is the culmination of a disturbed metabolism (body chemistry).

It is an insidious disease that involves the whole body. The frequent recurrence of a malignant tumor after treatment with the conventional methods of surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy is that cause metabolic fundamental underlying cancer is rarely seen and is therefore not corrected.

Amygdalin or laetrile/B17, is a relatively simple compound in a large part of our food supply. It is most abundant in the seeds of fruit non-agrumes. Most commercially prepared amygdalin is extracted from apricot seeds.

Amygdalin is composed of:

Two molecules of glucose (a sugar), a molecule of hydrocyanic acid (a compound anti-neoplastic), ANE one molecule of benzaldehyde (an analgesic).

In metabolic therapy, amygdalin is decomposed into its component parts from the action of the betaglucidase. This enzyme is found in abundance in cancerous cells and is relatively deficient in normal cells.

Therefore, the cyanide is released only when there is an active cancer lesion. This release of cyanide in controlled and safe conditions ensures that an adequate dose can be administered without the threat of toxic side effects.

This absence of cyanide toxicity is also ensured by the action of the thodanese, another enzyme. This enzyme is present in large quantities in normal cells, but in very small quantities in cancer cells.

Detoxification of cyanide occurs, therefore, in the normal tissue of mammals under the action of the rhodanese which converts free cyanide in thiocyanate, a compound in the presence of compounds containing sulfur, perfectly non-toxic. The thiocynate is excreted in the urine.

Slow infusion to drip. The most effective mode of administration is the slow-drip infusion technique developed in Tijuana, in the Mexico. It became clear that rupture of the amygdalin and its subsequent withdrawal was very fast.

If it were to be administered over a long period of time, this could be overcome. In addition, amygdalin must pass through biological membranes to reach its site of action. This can be accomplished by combining the amygdalin with dimethyl sulfoxide.

Response of cancer is known over the years


cure-cancer-vit-b17-laetrile-amygdalinIf you learn all about the prevention of cancer, you are probably surprised and confused by many things. It is probably shocking for you to discover that the FDA is not standing behind vitamin B17, which could be one of the greatest discoveries on the prevention of cancer in your life. It probably surprised that tiny apricots seeds few can do the same to help people avoid cancer. Any step, it probably confuses you just a little. After all, there are dozens of different Web sites on the prevention of cancer with apricots seeds with vitamin B17 tablets.

Make any type of research on vitamin B17, laetrile, amygdalin, seeds of the apricots, or prevention of cancer and that you are sure to come across the name Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr., at least several times. Many sources mention him in passing, briefly noting its name; others only vaguely refers to him as the scientist who discovered laetrile, perhaps. In any event, most of the sources of research go into many details they leave the reader wondering who is this guy Ernst Krebs and why each site keeps mentioning not him.

Ernst Krebs realized that cancer was the result of a deficiency of vitamin B17. His theory was supported by the fact that many years ago before the cancer has been a problem for humans, that we used to eat diets that are rich in vitamin B17. People used to eat the bread made with millet. People. As humans began to adopt another type of diet food one that lacked vitamin B17 when cancer has become an issue.

More evidence of this, Ernst Krebs points to the Hunza tribe. These people still eat food somewhat similar to that of the population of the diet used to eat, there is a very long time. Hunza tribe has never been a case of cancer among all persons at least, it is one of their people left the tribe to live in the Western world.

The best way to look at is to consider the two different forms. The apricots seeds are, in fact, the best form of prevention of cancer. Experts say that it is always better to get nutrients from the raw source whenever possible, that this is true for all vitamins, not only for vitamin B17. For example, eat a serving of grapefruit is a way better to get some vitamin c that take a tablet of vitamin c simply because the human body is better capable of metabolizing the vitamin in food. So, you should definitely eat apricots seed, 7-10 per day.

Vitamin B17 tablets should be considered as a supplement. Since you can be sure that you get enough amygdalin from apricot seeds (because they vary in size, weight and composition), you need to ingest some amygdalin supplement as a form so that you always get enough of the substance in your body.

Cancer prevention is not to be a difficult task. It is a life, including intelligent choices in our daily lives. Cancer prevention is important to have a long and healthy life, and it is something to not step to be taken lightly. Prevention and early detection starts with knowing your risk of cancer; Then, to do something. A cancer prevention plan is a commitment of long life for a long life of healthy living and it's never too late to start. It is easier that you may think.

Functionality of the Japan loquat - Asian Fruit has some health benefits


Originating in China, Japan of loquat fruit tree may increase by about 10 to 20 feet in height or be as short and stout as a shrub, Evergreen top 3 feet. Crabapples are seeds with apples and plums pears family. When the Japan Oriental, the flesh taste like apricots, cherries, and other sweet fruits. They should be consumed or processed shortly after being chosen. Quality of loquat Japan decreases with water loss, once they are picked. The fruit, sometimes called Japanese plum, has been collected about thousand years in China and India. The fruit has finally to Hawaii and other States and countries.

Fruit loquat of Japan use of decoration of the landscape as well as food and medicinal purposes. The tree in the form of small white and fragrant flowers that ends by produce a yellow ripe, dark, pungent but sweet peachy, orange colored oval fruit. The dark green leaves are succulent backdrop to the fruit it grows its yellow fruit and mature orange. It is tempting to look for the Japan Oriental until they reach maturity, but they are much less sour and more easy to peel at maturity. Grown in subtropical and temperate regions, the Japan loquat producer is the Japan.

Once the thin skin is peeled off the coast for the Brown seeds, fruit loquat in the Japan can be eaten directly, canned or in a salad of fruits, tart, jam, jelly or chutney, wine or concern of the seed. Loquat of Japan seeds are bitter and large quantities are not recommended. The nutritional benefits of the fruit include vitamin A, B, C and B17 with acids, Malic, tartaric and acid citrus that support human vision and dental health. The fruit is also low in cholesterol and fat and fibre-rich source which may contribute to weight loss efforts. Four ounces of fruit is only about 50 calories. Ten apples would be a quick, refreshing and healthy snack to just about anyone. Studies of will continue to explore the important amount of amygdalin fruit seeds were compared with their leaves and what are the benefits that can provide.

Medicine, the Japan loquat is a mild sedative quality. It can be transformed into a syrup cough or a paste which can also relieve soothing nausea. This syrup or paste, improves lung function in loosening phlegm and making it easier to cough. The Japan loquat leaves alleviate also to those who suffer from digestive problems. Significantly, the Japan Oriental contain laetrile, a known anticancer agent. The result of the compliments also healthy blood pressure. The Japan loquat leaves can be boiled and infused in green tea and various additions to individual tastes bitter or sweet.

Easy Cancer cure


cure-cancer-vit-b17-laetrile-amygdalinMore than 20 years ago there was a lot of controversy over the fact that many scientists of world renowned said that when some seeds of raw fruit were consumed in sufficient quantities, it makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE to develop cancer and that only the action would kill the cancer cells existing more! One would have thought that the medical industry would have been exalted with these information, but instead, the pharmaceutical industry immediately required the FDA to conduct a comprehensive study, so that they could prevent information from getting to the public. Information of this study can be found in a book entitled, "world without Cancer: the story of vitamin B17", by Dr. e. Edward Griffin. (I will consider the findings in this book of future posts).

Is vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and amygdalin, usually found in the seeds of fruit, however, it is discovered that apricots seeds have the highest concentration of this incredible vitamin. It has even scientifically determined that when we eat only 7 of these seeds every day, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for the body to develop cancer! This conclusion was almost exactly parallel to the discovery of the 17th century that if you eat all the days of citrus fruits, they will never develop scurvy. (i.e. a deficiency of vitamin!)

Pharmaceutical and medical industry goes so far as to pressure the FDA to make it illegal to sell raw apricots seeds or vitamin B17 no information on his wonderful healing effect on cancer! To this day, you cannot buy raw apricots seeds in the food stores because the FDA raids on shops years! But at least you can now order by the pound sterling by mail.

This critical information is offered as a cure for cancer for those who have developed the disease, but for those who want to keep always to develop cancer in their lives!

Most people with clusters of cancer in the body, after eating apricots seeds on a regular basis, show an almost complete regression of their tumors. After this regression occurs, it is necessary for patients with cancer of follow-up with the powerful forms natural herbal for the regeneration of organs damaged by cancer.

Cancerous growths massive throughout the large parts of the body, raw apricot seeds and the concentrated extract (in the form of vitamin B17 and Laetrile) may not be able to save the patient, but will extend the life of many times that of chemotherapy.

Vitamin B17 is located in the most fruit seeds to varying degrees of concentration. The graph below taken from the article by Rebecca Wood "Apricot Kernels - bitter is Sweet," will help you evaluate the relative power of vitamin B17 to various fruit seeds which become available to you.

Wild Apricot
Bitter almond

BlackBerry Wild Apricot pit
Wild cranberry almond
elderberry pip Apple
cherry seeds
seeds of nectarine
seeds of plum

Peas chickpeas buckwheat to blackberry seed flax
Millet Cranberry fava squash seeds.
s Boysenberry lima
Currant Mungo
Berry Logan

Don't forget that, while the small seeds of wild apples (crab apples) and cherries wild are higher sources of vitamin B17, large seeds found in the apricots of grocery markets today, apples and cherries are less powerful. This is because, over time, farmers were consistently high bitter flavour to accommodate the preference "sweet" of the West Palace.

Apricots seeds with the highest concentration of vitamin B17 in the world, I am fully convinced that, despite their bitter taste, they should be integrated into our daily food in the amount equivalent to approximately 7 seeds per day was prescribed by Dr, Krebs, the scientist who vitamin B17 discovered more than 20 years ago! If you do not have access to raw seeds, one or two tablets of vitamin B-17 (100 mg) is an additional daily dosage acceptable as an alternative.

There is no mystery on the development of a Cancer treatment that we have been so shamelessly led to believe for the whole of our lives. We knew how to cure cancer since more than 20 years, but the greed of the pharmaceutical industry deliberately kept the information to infiltrate the masses!... i.e our good health is certainly not in their interest... because there is much more money in death and disease!

I think it is time for all of us to take control of our own health instead of depend on the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries who obviously do not have our best interests at heart!
...What do you think?....

Please read... and...Here's your naturally good health!

Annie Pierce

Natural health therapies and Cancer - third part

This article is the third installment of a series on Natural Health Therapies and Cancer. The material presented is meant to inform you of complementary cancer therapies that are available in the medical community. These therapies are to be used in cooperation with other cancer treatment methods. They are not meant to be done in place of your physician's care. In the previous articles, we have covered the basics of cancer, the causes, the various types and stages, and how nutrition can trigger and promote cancer growth. This article will focus on Anti-Cancer Herbal Supplements as a form of cancer therapy.
--> Herbal therapy is also known as Phytotherapy or Phytomedicine. As you may recall from previous articles, the word 'phyto' means 'plant.' This form of cancer therapy focuses on herbal or botanical supplements have been used for centuries in dealing with a wide range of diseases. Many of these plants have been studied by pharmaceutical companies to isolate active ingredients for use in drugs. A few key examples are foxglove (used for digitalis), rauwolfia (used in reserpine), and opium poppy (used in morphine).

The anti-cancer herbal supplements that we will discuss in this article are listed below in alphabetical order. Due to the number of herbals involved, we will only be able to cover each one briefly. However, this does give us a starting point to follow-up at the library for more in-depth information. Remember that 'herbal' does not equal 'safe.' Although herbal therapies usually work more slowly than pharmaceuticals, adverse reactions can occur if the wrong dosage, a poor quality herb, or the incorrect herb is used. In addition, there are potential interactions with prescription drugs. Always check with a medical professional before using any complementary therapies.

The effects of these various herbs on cancer have been researched and documented by a large number of studies worldwide. The results indicate that the herbs work by:

o Stimulating DNA repair

o Producing antioxidant effects

o Promoting protective enzymes

o Inhibiting cancer-activating enzymes

o Inducing oygenating effects

The anti-cancer herbal and botanical supplements currently being used by a variety of medical practitioners are:

Algae Chlorella, Sea vegetables, and Green Drinks provide high levels of antioxidants that help to clean up the damage done by free radicals. The albumin, vitamins, and minerals contained in chlorella are considered a major detoxification resource.

Aloe Vera Long used for burns, cuts, and minor skin irritations, tests indicate that this plant has tumor-fighting capability. A major component of aloe vera called Acemannan has displayed remarkable ability as an immune system stimulator.

Amygdalin Known also as Laetrile, this substance is found in the pits of apricots and other fruits. It has been used for centuries and produces a cyanide compound that targets cancer cells.

Astralagus This herb is widely used in China, often in conjunction with ginseng. Research shows that it increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity, reduces the stress hormone cortisol, and boost interferon levels.

Cat's Claw Used in Peruvian tribal medicine, this herb displays antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties. Studies have indicated that it enhances the immune system as well as digestive system.

Echinacea This well-known herb has shown properties that enhance the immune system. Test results indicate an increase in NK cell activity ranging from 90-221%. Echinacea provides support to battle secondary problems like infection.

Essiac This is an herbal tea originally used by Native Americans. It contains burdock, sheep sorrel, Indian rhubarb, slippery elm, and other herbs. It has been shown to boost immune system function, diminish inflammatory processes, and reduce the toxic side effects of many drugs.

Flavonoids A group of phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables. These substances have very high antioxidant levels. This group contains quercetin, rutin, citrin, hesperidin, proanthocyanins, and anthocyanins.

Garlic Enough scientific evidence exists for this longtime folk remedy that scientists held the First World Congress on the Health Significance of Garlic and Garlic Constituents in the late 1980s. Research points out garlic's ability to suppress cancer initiation and growth by boosting NK cell and T-cell activity. Garlic also blocks cancer cell adhesion to blood vessels which helps prevent metastases.

Gingko Biloba This herb has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine. One of its components, gingkolide B, interferes with a chemical in the body that promotes tumor growth. Gingko also has a high antioxidant level.

Ginseng Used for centuries in Asia, this small woodland plant has been documented to have immune system enhancing properties. It stimulates macrophage and NK cell activity as well as boosting the production of antibodies.

Grape seed extract Pycogenols, the active ingredients in grape seed extract and pine tree bark, might be the most powerful antioxidants found to date. Studies show that they are 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C in reducing free radical damage.

Green tea A popular drink in Japan and China, green tea has been shown to reduce the risks of throat and liver cancers. This is attributed to the high antioxidant properties found in green tea, far exceeding those of Vitamin E. The average daily consumption of green tea in Asia is 2-10 cups.

Haelan 851 This is a liquid soybean concentrate made with a specialized fermentation process. The preparation contains zinc, selenium, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E, and K. It also contains high levels of genistein, an isoflavone shown to increase cancer cell death, inhibit blood vessel growth to tumors, regulate hormonal imbalance, and provide other anti-cancer functions.

HANSI A homeopathic combination of about 10 herbal components, HANSI has been shown to increase NK cell activity in the immune system. The primary ingredients in the formula are from rain forest and desert plants such as cactus, aloe, arnica, licopodium, and lachesis. Made in Argentina, this formula is available in the U.S. on a three month supply basis.

Hoxsey's herbs This is an herbal preparation that contains red clover, burdock root, buckthorn, barberry bark, stillingia root, chaparral, licorice, cascara amarga, and prickly ash bark. Used since the 1840s, these herbs produce documented antioxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-estrogen activity. They also have been shown to boost immune function and inhibit blood vessel growth to tumors.

Iscador (Mistletoe) Used by European physicians since 1920, Iscador has been found to increase the length and quality of life, stabilize the cancer, cause tumor reduction, and improve the overall condition of the patient. Immune system function, particularly NK cells, increases within 24 hours after Iscador treatments.

Larch arabinogalactan This is a complex carbohydrate compound derived from the Western Larch tree. Studies have shown that it enhances the activity of NK cells, macrophages, and immune-enhancing chemicals called cytokines.

Maitake mushroom Maitake, shitake, and reishi mushrooms have all been shown to promote NK cell and antibody activity. Maitake mushrooms consistently show the greatest results in inhibiting cancer development and metastasis.

Pau D'Arco An herbal extract derived from the inside of the bark of certain trees in the South American rainforest that has displayed anticancer properties. The key component, lapachol, has a unique molecular composition that produces biological activity against cancer.

Pectin, modified citrus This is a food fiber found in fruits which has been modified to bring out the immune system enhancement properties. Research show that modified citrus pectin boosts the function of both T-cells and NK cells in the immune system.

Silymarin Known also as milk thistle, this herb is full of antioxidants and flavonoids. It has been seen to provide protection from liver damage. Studies indicate that Silymarin accelerates the regeneration of damaged liver tissue. This is important in cancer patients because all toxins including chemotherapy drugs are filtered through the liver and excessive toxins can result in liver dysfunction.

Turmeric A major ingredient in curry powder, this herb comes from India and is a member of the ginger family. Studies show that it provides powerful antioxidant effects, inhibits tumor growth and formation in certain cancers, and reduces production of some cancer-promoting enzymes.

In the next article, we will explore the use of Physical Support Therapies for cancer therapy. These methods include Detoxification, Biological Dentistry, Water Therapy, Heat Therapy, Bodywork/Therapeutic Massage/Exercise, and Qi Gong. I hope that this material has been helpful and informative. The material in these articles is a portion of an e-book available on my website.
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Apricots - a healthy treat


Apricots are a perfect treat for snacks and deserts. They are very tasty, easy to digest and are very high in fibre, low in calories, fat virtually free and are very nutritious. Fresh apricots just 3 or 10 halves dried provide more than 25% of your recommended dietary allowance of vitamin a in it is plant beta-carotene form. When it is consumed food beta-carotene is an antioxidant, a substance that protects against cell damage when the body uses oxygen. This damage is expected to play a key role in aging and the development of heart disease, cancer and many other diseases.

Fresh apricots are rich in vitamin C, another antioxidant that helps your body absorb iron. Much of this is lost when canned or dried apricots. But no matter what form of apricots, you choose that they are still high iron so that appropriate potassium, essential for nerve and muscle function which helps to maintain normal blood pressure and balance your body fluids.

All apricots contain a natural salicylate, a compound similar to the active ingredient in aspirin. People with allergy to Aspirin may experience allergic reactions to eat apricots.

Ounce for ounce even dried apricots are more nutritious than most fruit fresh or canned. Dried apricots are only 32% of water, while other fruits are 85% water. Apricots are a much more concentrated source of calories, 50 calories 4 ounces of apricots costs versus 260 calories 4 ounces on 30 dried apricot halves. When consumed in moderation the dried apricots are a form of nutrition and a very convenient, compact snack.

Apricots are very often treated with dioxide sulfur before they are dried to preserve their color and certain nutrients. This treatment of sulfite may trigger a crisis of asthma or allergic reaction in some people. At least that the dried apricots are labelled as sulfite free if you have asthma to avoid them.

Now. the laetrile question when it comes to the pits of apricots. Laetrile or amygdalin is that a controversial substance derived from apricots pits. Legally it cannot be sold as medical treatment, but it is available as a nutritional supplement, sometimes called vitamin B17 in natural food stores. He was promoted in other documents or mouth as an alternative treatment for cancer, heart disease, allergies, liver disorders and other diseases. Now, numerous scientific studies have failed to find any benefit of laetrile. Apricots pits Laetrile and other sources can release the cyanide. Consume large quantities of laetrile was the risks of cyanide poisoning, and doctors warn that apricots pits form any should not be consumed.

Vitamin B17 (Laetrile, amygdalin) & efficiency

What are cancer patients to do? 30 Years, the campaign of 30 + billion to cure cancer has failed. Survival rates have not improved and in many cancer patients are told, after suffering numerous series of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, there is nothing more that can be done.
If the search for alternatives is often started when the cancer has spread and there is even less hope of rehabilitation.
A popular alternative cancer treatment is vitamin B17, also called amygdalin or laetrile. Derived from apricots pits, laetrile is not a vitamin.
After the establishment of treatment entrenched cancer, laetrile B17 is a "toxic drug is not effective in the treatment of cancer." But, according to his supporters, laetrile B17 is a natural cure for cancer that has a high rate of healing. Who can believe public? -->

B17 in apricots pits

Hunza Valley distance in Pakistan, where residents are reported to be immunized against cancer from their use of laetrile (amygdalin) B17 in apricots pits.
It is the component of laetrile B17 cyanide that kills cancer cells. Laetrile was used in the treatment of cancer, long before that the modern controversy erupted over its use.
As early as 1845, physicians used purified amygdalin (laetrile) to treat patients with cancer. In the 1920s and 1930s passenger years in the Valley of Hunza in Pakistan claimed that they could not find a single case of cancer in people who lived there and awarded apricot spikes containing laetrile B17 in the diets of Hunza.
In controlled studies, rats suffering from cancer appear to live longer when given leatrile B17. Most human studies have used purified by oral or intravenous laetrile B17, not apricots pits that are widely sold as a cure for cancer. The famous Dr. Hans Nieper, of the Germany later agreed laetrile B17 for prevention of cancer, but not as a treatment of existing tumors.
A secret of the laetrile B17 cancer treatment is the described ability of an enzyme called glucuronidase release cyanide molecules of the carrier and delivery to tumor sites. Glucuronidase is more abundant, where inflammation, infections and tumours occur.
Therefore, the carrier molecules (nitrilosides) make laetrile relatively harmless B17 until it is decompressed by glucuronidase. When withdrawn its carrier, cyanide is delivered to the right place at the right time.

Toxicity of vitamin B17

A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows even in the absence of toxicity when intravenous laetrile B17 is used. [Journal American Medical Association 245: 591-94, 1981]
What modern medicine has done to discredit laetrile B17 was to conduct a study of dog where the enzyme unzipping (glucuronidase) was prematurely produced by combining B17 with paste of almonds. Put dogs nerve lesions developed by prematurely released cyanide.
Even supporters of natural medicine advocating the use of laetrile B17 say should not be used combined with apricots kernels are pre-release cyanide, but it should be purified and administered orally or intravenously, where it is subsequently attached to the carrier (glucuronides) molecules in the liver and transported to the tissue cancer.
In 1998, researchers in London attempted to activate laetrile B17 specifically at the tumor sites without toxicity to healthy cells by amalgam cloned antibodies that would lead to the site of the cancer drug.
This experience has increased the destructive properties of amygdalin fold 36 and virtually eliminated toxic cancer! [International Journal Cancer 78: 712-19, 1998]
If the advice provided by the cancer doctors, that "laetrile B17 should not be used to treat cancer," apparently is correct if you refer to apricots pits. [CA Cancer J Clin 41: 187-92, 1991]
Apricots pits themselves can cause potentially deadly cyanide poisoning. [32: 742 Of the annals - 4 emergency medicine, 1998] Treatment of B17 Laetrile, either administered intravenously or as a product purified by a physician, orally can be effective.
The legendary idea that the people of the Valley of Hunza in remote Pakistan are immunized against cancer is wrong. People live an average of 40 to 65, and they are reported to Pakistan as other cancer. There is no exact birth records to document their longevity.

Natural cancer Cures - most Laetrile products are not Laetrile


cancer-laetrile-amygdalinPlant biochemists have withdrawn their hair on the diversion of the laetrile term. (OK, this is my story for my own baldness, and I paste it!) The main issue is the mixture between a natural and this product that we, the chemists call a semi-synthetic.

Amygdalin - natural real product

Pits apricots and many other types of seeds contain a natural product which is called amygdalin, which is often used as a synonym for laetrile. They are not the same.

Amygdalin is composed of the following elements: a ring of benzene, a nitrile (cyano) group and two molecules of glucose in a side chain as a whole. Although these parts can be set up in many ways, a particular combination is called amygdalin. Chemist are very picky in this way.

Laetrile - semi-synthetic product

Laetrile is composed of the following elements: a benzene ring, a nitrile (cyano) group and a molecule as a group apart glucuronic acid. The question about what is this molecule can be resolved by simply knowing the origin of the word laetrile. It is the name of the molecule, which is laevomandelonitrile.

Why is this Important?

The body of research on laetrile as a natural cure cancer is littered with confusion on which molecule was used in all patient group or lab animal experiment. To make matters worse, the first fact researchers campaign for amygdalin or laetrile - it is not known who - approved as a vitamin, B - 17.

Vitamin B-17 is now available commercially, although it almost certainly is amygdalin most of the time. Representatives of the company do not generally know enough about the subject to clarity about their own products of vitamin B-17.

Amygdalin and Laetrile had anticancer activity?

It is the key issue. It can only respond in theory, based on the supposed mechanism of action of laetrile. It goes as follows:

Tumours enzymes Cleave off the coast of the molecule of laetrile intact glucuronic acid group. The remaining part is then spontaneously decays into two pieces: a molecule of hydrogen cyanide and a molecule of benzaldehyde. Supposedly, once the cyanide molecule is output within the tumor, it goes to kill cancer cells.

Amygdalin partitions the same way, after the tumor enzymes Cleave off the coast of the side chain of glucose. According to this behaviour, amygdalin should have the same mechanism of action against cancer as laetrile.

Enough chemistry - what is the bottom line for cancer?

Laetrile is chemically modified to amyglalin, it can occur as a mixture of 50 / 50 of active and inactive forms. For this reason, a stable concentration of amygdalin should provide the best chance for full anticancer activity.

The key word here is stable. If you have a product that is supposed to be vitamin B-17, amygdalin or laetrile, it can give off the coast of a smell of cyanide (such as the smell of bitter almonds or ground seeds of apple). The smell is stronger, more of the active ingredient, that he has lost.

Are valuable amygdalin/Laetrile cancer treatment?

More than 80 years of research, clinical and several laboratories around the world, shows strong support for an affirmative answer to this question. Another indication is that this treatment, especially in combination with other treatments, has become so good that it was made illegal and chased out of the United States.

The basis of amygdalin/laetrile clinics nearest were in the cities of the Mexican border, especially in Tijuana. Unfortunately, legal problems that arise due to certain sections of the free trade agreement NAFTA led to the closure of some of these cancer centres.

Natural cures for cancer are always good, as they always were. It's just that access has become more challenging in recent years.