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Alternative medicine for the treatment of Cancer

Cancer is the name given to any disease resulting from one of our cells of the body growing out of control. There are many processes that control growth and division, a cell that can wrong turn. Many of these control mechanisms must be damaged prior to a cell becomes cancerous. There are more than 200 different types of cancers, which are classified in Carcinoma, Sarcoma, lymphoma and based on the cells they flow from leukemia.

The principles involved in the treatment of cancer are - directly destroying the cancer tissue or indirectly destroy by denying blood supply and/or their nutrition. But the irony is that conventional treatment is used to destroy cancer cells affect normal cells also to some extent. They can damage the intestine of the liver, skin, bone marrow and other rapidly multiplying cells. The effect of the treatment is sometimes more devastating than the disease itself.

Role of Alternative Medicine in the treatment of cancer

A study in the use of medicine Alternative in patients with different types of cancer was published in the July 2000 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology. It was found that almost 70% of the patients used in alternative medicine at least a form with the conventional treatment. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) sponsored a number of clinical trials in medical centres to assess other medical treatment of cancer.

Alternative medicine includes therapies such as medicines, vitamins, special diets and acupuncture among others.

* Acupuncture:

-efficient in the management of nausea associated with chemotherapy and

vomiting and in control of the pain associated with surgery. Now used in a

trial to reduce the symptoms of colorectal cancer

* Homeopathy

* Ayurveda

* Shark cartilage: tried in non-small cell lung cancer. It prevents the growth of blood nine ships

* Hyperbaric oxygen: patients with larynx removed for cancer of the larynx

* Massage therapy: cancer fatigue related

* Pancreatic enzyme therapy with diet specializing in the treatment of cancer of the pancreas

* The GUI retrieves: for the treatment of solid tumors

* Therapy quackgrass

* The macrobiotique: Macrobiotic Diet is strictly vegetarian and requires you to consume about half of your calories daily of whole grains, a quarter of your calories from vegetables and the rest of your calories from beans, seaweed and soups

* Bioelectric therapy

* The Moerman anti-cancer diet

* Therapy herbal Hoxsey

* Therapy herbal Essiac: Essiac is a mixture of tea which relieves pain and reduces the size of the tumor. It contains four herbs-burdock, rhubarb, Sorrel and Elm

* Therapy herbal Pau d'Arco

* Therapy herbal chaparral

* Laetrile (amygdalin): a chemical found in the beans of lima, raw nuts and pits of many fruits. Product amygdalin cyanide, which application developers kills cancer

Alkaline food plan: as fruit and vegetables and limiting acidic foods

* Antioxidant in fruit and vegetables

* Vitamins A, C and e: they are very good anti oxidant

* Detox therapies, including nutrition metabolic therapy of Gonzales, colon therapy and treatment in Gerson
The most successful practitioners integrate the various components of a better result alternative cancer treatments.

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