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Easy Cancer cure

cure-cancer-vit-b17-laetrile-amygdalinMore than 20 years ago there was a lot of controversy over the fact that many scientists of world renowned said that when some seeds of raw fruit were consumed in sufficient quantities, it makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE to develop cancer and that only the action would kill the cancer cells existing more! One would have thought that the medical industry would have been exalted with these information, but instead, the pharmaceutical industry immediately required the FDA to conduct a comprehensive study, so that they could prevent information from getting to the public. Information of this study can be found in a book entitled, "world without Cancer: the story of vitamin B17", by Dr. e. Edward Griffin. (I will consider the findings in this book of future posts).

Is vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and amygdalin, usually found in the seeds of fruit, however, it is discovered that apricots seeds have the highest concentration of this incredible vitamin. It has even scientifically determined that when we eat only 7 of these seeds every day, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for the body to develop cancer! This conclusion was almost exactly parallel to the discovery of the 17th century that if you eat all the days of citrus fruits, they will never develop scurvy. (i.e. a deficiency of vitamin!)

Pharmaceutical and medical industry goes so far as to pressure the FDA to make it illegal to sell raw apricots seeds or vitamin B17 no information on his wonderful healing effect on cancer! To this day, you cannot buy raw apricots seeds in the food stores because the FDA raids on shops years! But at least you can now order by the pound sterling by mail.

This critical information is offered as a cure for cancer for those who have developed the disease, but for those who want to keep always to develop cancer in their lives!

Most people with clusters of cancer in the body, after eating apricots seeds on a regular basis, show an almost complete regression of their tumors. After this regression occurs, it is necessary for patients with cancer of follow-up with the powerful forms natural herbal for the regeneration of organs damaged by cancer.

Cancerous growths massive throughout the large parts of the body, raw apricot seeds and the concentrated extract (in the form of vitamin B17 and Laetrile) may not be able to save the patient, but will extend the life of many times that of chemotherapy.

Vitamin B17 is located in the most fruit seeds to varying degrees of concentration. The graph below taken from the article by Rebecca Wood "Apricot Kernels - bitter is Sweet," will help you evaluate the relative power of vitamin B17 to various fruit seeds which become available to you.

Wild Apricot
Bitter almond

BlackBerry Wild Apricot pit
Wild cranberry almond
elderberry pip Apple
cherry seeds
seeds of nectarine
seeds of plum

Peas chickpeas buckwheat to blackberry seed flax
Millet Cranberry fava squash seeds.
s Boysenberry lima
Currant Mungo
Berry Logan

Don't forget that, while the small seeds of wild apples (crab apples) and cherries wild are higher sources of vitamin B17, large seeds found in the apricots of grocery markets today, apples and cherries are less powerful. This is because, over time, farmers were consistently high bitter flavour to accommodate the preference "sweet" of the West Palace.

Apricots seeds with the highest concentration of vitamin B17 in the world, I am fully convinced that, despite their bitter taste, they should be integrated into our daily food in the amount equivalent to approximately 7 seeds per day was prescribed by Dr, Krebs, the scientist who vitamin B17 discovered more than 20 years ago! If you do not have access to raw seeds, one or two tablets of vitamin B-17 (100 mg) is an additional daily dosage acceptable as an alternative.

There is no mystery on the development of a Cancer treatment that we have been so shamelessly led to believe for the whole of our lives. We knew how to cure cancer since more than 20 years, but the greed of the pharmaceutical industry deliberately kept the information to infiltrate the masses!... i.e our good health is certainly not in their interest... because there is much more money in death and disease!

I think it is time for all of us to take control of our own health instead of depend on the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries who obviously do not have our best interests at heart!
...What do you think?....

Please read... and...Here's your naturally good health!

Annie Pierce

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