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Do you know what an alternative Option is relative to your health?

The classic definition of alternative medicine is "A system of thought which is a completely different method of the Orthodox approach".

Discuss specifically how it relates to cancer.

The medical establishment considered a tumor or the area of cancer in a localized condition and Orthodox medicine locally treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery.

On the other hand, the other approach considers that cancer is a systemic that takes its source in the whole of the body.

As you can see, these two approaches are totally different from each other. What this means for the physician practice alternative medicine, is that to treat only the area affected by breast cancer is totally wrong. He believes that the entire body must be under treatment.


Apricots seeds for the health of the immune system


We want all our immune function well systems. After all, it is our immune system which prevent us from getting sick. It is easy to see that people sometimes have to strengthen the immune system. For example, take a look at teacher in an elementary school building. Some teachers may get off with each cold, flu, or bug happening around of - they are usually newly hired teachers or teachers who are new to the school system. Other teachers who have rarely patients have immune systems stronger in these types of diseases because their bodies are adapted to this specific parameter.

There are ways to stimulate the immune system, although that-methods through which any person may work in an attempt to strengthen his immune system to be less sensitive to the two regular, types of daily of diseases and more serious diseases such as cancer.

You can increase your immune system by the apricot seeds. While many conventional doctors may not subscribe to this theory, it works (and in any event, conventional doctors almost always reject alternative therapies for at the outset, Don't they?).

Taking the apricots seeds works to prevent "bad" cells in your body to form, thereby strengthening your immune system. Apricots seeds have toxin cyanide in their structure; The cyanide, however, is released only when the amygdalin of apricots seed comes into contact with a "bad" cell in your body. At this time, cyanide works to destroy the bad cells.

If you take apricots seeds on a regular basis, your body will remain free of the "bad" cells that often cause more serious types of diseases, including cancer and detoxified.

There are hundreds of different types of cancer. The chances of obtaining certain types of cancer at some point in your life are relatively high-especially considering that scientists tell us.

They tell us that our bodies are continually cancer cells. It is quite scary, isn't it? Well, there is a way to prevent cancer cells never become cancer - a way to destroy the cells before they have the chance to do wrong. It involves the use of apricots seed.

Normally, our immune system can deal with the cancer cells that produce of our body, say scientists. However, if you do? This means that you will develop a type of cancer. Then, perhaps you should try taking apricots seeds as a method of preventing cancer... just in case.

Apricots seeds?

Now, before you go to your store local health or nutrition foods and enter any bag of apricots seeds, you can find, there are a few things you should know. First of all, apricot seeds that you would find in your local store is not the type of seed, that you could use for the prevention of cancer.

Health food stores carry apricots, dried in the Sun or roasted grains. These can have the benefits, they do not all types of cancer prevention properties. Instead, you need the raw seeds of apricots.

Why raw apricots seeds?

Raw apricots seeds have a special construction that allows them to destroy cancer patients - in cells in the process of roasting seeds or drying in the Sun seeds, this special construction is, itself, destroyed. Roasted and Sun-dried seeds do not have the component that is needed to destroy cancer cells.

Raw seeds are composed of amygdalin. Amygdalin was locked cyanide that only cancerous cells can unlock. When amygdalin comes in contact with a cancerous cell, cyanide comes and destroys the cells. It is this component that lack the apricots seeds roasted and Sun dried. Amygdalin is also called B17. In its extracted form, pure, he is also known as laetrile. Laetrile was used to treat people with cancer in certain cancer clinics.

Vitamin B17 - what is?

cure-cancer-vit-b17-laetrile-amygdalinAny type of search around the internet for the prevention of cancer will bring up results for vitamin B17. This puzzle usually people, because most people have never heard of this B vitamin.

Of course, everyone has heard b vitamins - many people are even regularly for a tablet of vitamin b complex every day which includes the eight B vitamins. However, vitamin B17 is certainly not those of the vitamin b complex; It is a subject which most people are aware.

What is this B vitamin?

Vitamin B17 - which has a chemical name of laetrile - is essentially the purified form of amygdalin. Amygdalin is a substance which is more widespread in the seeds of the apricots, although it is also present in some other foods.

It can be ingested eat apricots seeds (or, in much smaller quantities, other food containing the substance). Or, it can be taken in pill form. The tablets are generally available in concentrations of 100 mg or 500 mg.

Alternative medicine for the treatment of Cancer


Cancer is the name given to any disease resulting from one of our cells of the body growing out of control. There are many processes that control growth and division, a cell that can wrong turn. Many of these control mechanisms must be damaged prior to a cell becomes cancerous. There are more than 200 different types of cancers, which are classified in Carcinoma, Sarcoma, lymphoma and based on the cells they flow from leukemia.

The principles involved in the treatment of cancer are - directly destroying the cancer tissue or indirectly destroy by denying blood supply and/or their nutrition. But the irony is that conventional treatment is used to destroy cancer cells affect normal cells also to some extent. They can damage the intestine of the liver, skin, bone marrow and other rapidly multiplying cells. The effect of the treatment is sometimes more devastating than the disease itself.

Role of Alternative Medicine in the treatment of cancer

A study in the use of medicine Alternative in patients with different types of cancer was published in the July 2000 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology. It was found that almost 70% of the patients used in alternative medicine at least a form with the conventional treatment. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) sponsored a number of clinical trials in medical centres to assess other medical treatment of cancer.

Alternative medicine includes therapies such as medicines, vitamins, special diets and acupuncture among others.

* Acupuncture:

-efficient in the management of nausea associated with chemotherapy and

vomiting and in control of the pain associated with surgery. Now used in a

trial to reduce the symptoms of colorectal cancer

* Homeopathy

* Ayurveda

* Shark cartilage: tried in non-small cell lung cancer. It prevents the growth of blood nine ships

* Hyperbaric oxygen: patients with larynx removed for cancer of the larynx

* Massage therapy: cancer fatigue related

* Pancreatic enzyme therapy with diet specializing in the treatment of cancer of the pancreas

* The GUI retrieves: for the treatment of solid tumors

* Therapy quackgrass

* The macrobiotique: Macrobiotic Diet is strictly vegetarian and requires you to consume about half of your calories daily of whole grains, a quarter of your calories from vegetables and the rest of your calories from beans, seaweed and soups

* Bioelectric therapy

* The Moerman anti-cancer diet

* Therapy herbal Hoxsey

* Therapy herbal Essiac: Essiac is a mixture of tea which relieves pain and reduces the size of the tumor. It contains four herbs-burdock, rhubarb, Sorrel and Elm

* Therapy herbal Pau d'Arco

* Therapy herbal chaparral

* Laetrile (amygdalin): a chemical found in the beans of lima, raw nuts and pits of many fruits. Product amygdalin cyanide, which application developers kills cancer

Alkaline food plan: as fruit and vegetables and limiting acidic foods

* Antioxidant in fruit and vegetables

* Vitamins A, C and e: they are very good anti oxidant

* Detox therapies, including nutrition metabolic therapy of Gonzales, colon therapy and treatment in Gerson
The most successful practitioners integrate the various components of a better result alternative cancer treatments.

If the alternative treatment procedures can be effective? -The truth behind this thinking


It is true that the traditional cancer treatment is not always effective. In fact, it often does not lead to complete curing. For this reason, some patients diagnosed with the condition could eventually decide to opt for another treatment. It is worth to discuss the effectiveness of these alternative treatments more in detail.

Acupuncture has gained popularity in the useful alternative cancer treatment. Several clinical trials were conducted to test the effectiveness of this method. The evidence shows that this form of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can provide for the strengthening of the immune system. In turn, the body is able to combat the disease.

The extent that acupuncture is effective, however, has not been determined. In addition, there are medical forms of treatment that are designed to use the immune system to fight cancer. They show a good level of efficiency, but they are usually combined with other forms of traditional treatment such as surgery, for example. Given this, it can be said that acupuncture can facilitate the treatment of cancer, but this alternative treatment can be used on its own.

Medicine traditional Ayurvedic Indian and its methods may be used as the alternative cancer treatment. This type of treatment is designed to achieve a perfect balance between mind, body and soul to the use of different techniques. Even if these techniques have shown the positive effects to deal with the anxiety and pain, there is no medical evidence that they are working to kill abnormal tumour cells. This applies to yoga as well.

Aromatherapy and essential oils are also sometimes used as another form of cancer treatment. The results of research show that this therapy is effective for relieving anxiety and depression. Applied topical oils have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial mild effects as well. However, these forms of therapy cannot treat cancer in any way.

This is true for hypnosis and other methods of the mind and body. It was suggested that you can do while using the power of your mind. This includes making them a tumor disappear. The reality is that there is no clinical or any other type of scientific evidence that the methods of the mind and body. It is true however that hypnosis has shown positive results in helping patients deal with traditional medical care and with post-processing effects.

It has been suggested that a specific type of diet can treatment and cure of cancer. The most popular types of this alternative form of cancer treatment is the Gerson therapy. It recommends that the use of a diet detoxification and nutritional supplements to release toxins from the body and it hardening of the tumor. There is no scientific evidence of any kind in support of the application that the Gerson therapy can treat cancer.

Similarly, Gonzalez schema, which includes the use of a specific plan and the contribution of the enzymes, dietary supplements and extracts of animal organs, has not been proven to work. Research on it is limited and the results are conflicting. The contribution of coenzyme Q10 is also sometimes used as an alternative cancer treatment, but there is no evidence whatsoever that it can function effectively.

There are various biological and pharmacological treatments which are used as alternatives to medical traditional forms to treat patients with cancer. These therapies involve the consumption of different drugs, complex natural substances and hormones. These are not designed to treat cancer, but it is thought that they could. The most notable forms of alternative cancer treatment pharmacological and biological include intake antineoplastons, sulfate of hydrazine, 714-X, laetrile and amygdalin.

Bovine cartridge and the shark and Newcastle disease virus are also used for the treatment of cancer. The evidence of the effectiveness of all these substances are not conclusive, if lacking any. It is particularly important for patients undergoing a traditional medical treatment not step to adopt one of these methods without discussion with their oncologist.

Overall, it can safely be said that the alternative cancer treatment has not been proven to be effective. Some of its forms can be effective as complementary to traditional treatment. However, it is also true that some of its forms can be potentially dangerous for patients.

It is particularly important to keep in mind that there are alternative forms offering crooks to heal cancer patients and their families in exchange for money. Given all the information presented above, no one can guarantee treatment and effective alternative treatment.

Alternative treatments for Prostate Cancer


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

Chinese men in China have the lowest incidence of prostate cancer. They Chinese perhaps know something on cancer of the prostate that we do not know. According to the TCM philosophy, tumor is the result of blocked or stagnant chi (energy). Doctors agree to this statement, stressing the benefits of regular ejaculation to promote fluid turnover in this region.

Approach to TCM involve regenerating the body with herbs, followed by stimulating the immune system.

Massage of the prostate

Subscribe to the philosophy flowing chi TCM to maintain the health of the prostate, prostate massage and its surrounding neighbourhoods can promote increase blood and relaxing flow, softening and shrinking of the prostate.

Essaic tea

Essaic tea is a proven to reduce the tumor, it is not new. Essaic tea has been used since the 1920s, and it is powerful, even in advanced cancer. Careful considerations should be practised during storage and preparation of essaic tea.

Stay away from the freeze. Preparation must not be made with plastic or aluminum holder.

Noni juice

Plant extract noni, not limited to fruit is not only known for its properties of tumor suppressant, it works very quickly. Patients who have had a significant amount of it (recommended 32 g per day dose) experience an improvement as early as 10 days.

Select a non-sweet version as much as possible, have a strong chance to maintain its medicinal properties and retrieve other parts of the tree as well. The reason behind the miracle of noni juice is it stimulate the body to produce nitric oxide which provide oxygen to the cancerous cell, kill the process.

Noni juice regulate blood circulation (prevent chi stagnation) and nitric oxide decreases cancer growth by boosting the immune defence against spectacular replication of cells. Pregnant women and people with liver complication should not take noni juice.

Amygdalin (Laetrile, vitamin B17)

The researchers found that amygdalin caused a statistically significant increase in the capacity of the white blood cells to adhere to its own cells of prostate cancer, suggesting an immune stimulating the potential of amygdalin.

Commercial amygdalin are usually harvested in the apricot kernels.

Shark cartilage

Inhibitor of angiogenesis, cartilage of shark is not a traditional medicine.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 can be useful in the treatment of cancer, because it strengthen the immune system. Also, the studies conclude that similar CoQ10 (drugs which are similar to the CoQ10) may prevent the growth of cancer cells directly. As an antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 may help prevent cancer from developing countries.

Intravenous vitamin c

Five of the nine types of cancer cells that have been put in the simulated cavity fluid died when concentrated vitamin c has been added to the antenna. Better yet, this deadly solution even had no effect on healthy cells.

Eat your way to get the same level of determination of vitamin c is not viable as the body will eliminate it as quickly as you can eat, hence the need to connect directly to the blood.

Nutrients and the benefits of apricots


Apricots are a good source of fibre with insoluble cellulose and lignin in the skin and water-soluble pectin in the flesh. Creamy Golden apricot colour comes from dark yellow carotenes (including beta carotene) that make the result of a good source of vitamin a. apricots also have vitamin c and iron.

The bark, leaves and the internal stony pit of apricot all contain amygdalin which is a natural compound that degrades to release the cyanide of hydrogen or prussic acid in the stomach. Apricot oil, treated during processing to remove cyanide, marked FFPA to show that it is "free from prussic acid.

Excerpt from apricots wells, medically called Laetrile, has been used by some alternative practitioners to treat cancer on the theory that the cyanide in amygdalin is released only when it comes into contact with beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme common to the tumor cells. Scientifically designed amygdalin tests have not shown this is true. Laetrile is illegal in the United States.

The most nutritious way to serve the apricot is when it is dried. Ounce for ounce, dried apricots are richer in nutrients and fiber than apricots fees.

Plans which may limit or exclude apricots are low diet fiber, potassium low diet and the diet low in sodium (dried apricots contain sodium sulfide).