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Do you know what an alternative Option is relative to your health?

The classic definition of alternative medicine is "A system of thought which is a completely different method of the Orthodox approach".

Discuss specifically how it relates to cancer.

The medical establishment considered a tumor or the area of cancer in a localized condition and Orthodox medicine locally treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery.

On the other hand, the other approach considers that cancer is a systemic that takes its source in the whole of the body.

As you can see, these two approaches are totally different from each other. What this means for the physician practice alternative medicine, is that to treat only the area affected by breast cancer is totally wrong. He believes that the entire body must be under treatment.

The other approach feel that treating only the affected area is only delaying the reappearance of the disease to another point in the body, which is normally the case.

It is clear that cancer cells are different from normal cells. The immune system has the capacity to make the difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell and the main function of the immune system is to eliminate or destroy a cell or a condition that it (the immune system) j. is not normal step.

This is evident in transplantation surgery. For example, in the heart transplant that the biggest problem is the body that operates a new heart is rejection. At the beginning of the Cardiac Transplant Surgery many patients died because their body would accept foreign heartless. It is all because the immune system detected something not normal to the body in which he was in control of.

Orthodox medicine establish now intentionally reduces the function of the immune system so there is less chance of rejection. Of course, it met the patient at risk for a host of other diseases, but it appears to be necessary.

Now that we know the normal immune system or strong keeps us healthy and free of disease, we can now see why a cancerous condition could develop if the immune system has been considerably weakened.

Now, it should be clear that the treatment of cancer must include a procedure to stimulate and strengthen the immune system to the level that it can target and destroy cancer cells that can develop. This means that the whole body is under treatment and not a local area where a tumor may be localized.

The only question left is "How to stimulate the immune system to the point that it can destroy cancer cells or keeping the body free of cancer in the first place".

During the 1970s at the Loyola University, extensive research lab happening on this exact issue. The result of years of research has generated a new Word for the vocabulary that is "Laetrile" or more commonly known as vitamin B17.

Over the years, Laetrile has become a common reference to an approach to cancer treatment which was not approved by the FDA. Just because the FDA approves not does not mean that it is not effective. This is due to a lack of understanding, on the one hand and other non-medical factors, on the other hand.

Laetrile has actually misused and many references to it are not correct. The compound he designates is amygdalin. Believe it or not amygdalin was first used by a Chinese herbalist named Pen you Sao in Colombia - British 2800

Amygdalin is located in several seeds, beans and other fruits and vegetables the most famous being the apricot seed. The common notion is that the apricot seed contains cyanide so he will kill a man. Be is known that many plants contain CN (cyanide) because that is what protects the roots of the insects.

In 1952, Ernst Krebs, Jr. completed a process where he summarizes the kernel of apricot in an effort to make it safe for human consumption. He patented this compound as "Laetrile". The purpose of this process was to take advantage of an enzyme system that has proven to be present in the malignant tissue. This enzyme has the capability of the output of the cyanide in Laetrile on the site of the tumor or in the presence of cancer cells of activation.

Enzymes play a very important function in the human body. More than 2,000 enzymes are known, but only a little more than 200 have been crystallized.

One of these enzymes is "rhodanese. It seems that if a tumor contains cancer, there is very little of rhodanese and cyanide is authorized to destroy cancer cells. However if the tumor is not cancerous, and then there is an abundance of rhodanese. When the cyanide molecule in contract with the normal cell rhodanese neutralizes the cyanide and causes to become inert and it skips through the urine waste.

With this statement, I think that I replied to the question of why the cyanide contained in the Laetrile does not damage the person it consumes, indeed if their body contains cancerous cells it may be destroyed.

If there are questions, contact the author at the information listed below.

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