Cancer any sends a shudder through your body. No one wants to hear the words, "you have cancer." It is associated with a death sentence and, very often, that unsuspecting and without notice. You feel violated and stole a future. However, you are not alone. One of every three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime and one in four will die. This year only, more than 989,200 people will die of cancer of the United States.
It is possible that there is something in the nature, easily accessible and readily available that could not only to cure cancer, but prevent it? And if there is, why we do not know about it? Why is this not on the evening news and in the titles of all major newspapers? It is possible that there is something sinister at work here?
It is possible that there is something in the nature, easily accessible and readily available that could not only to cure cancer, but prevent it? And if there is, why we do not know about it? Why is this not on the evening news and in the titles of all major newspapers? It is possible that there is something sinister at work here?