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If the alternative treatment procedures can be effective? -The truth behind this thinking

It is true that the traditional cancer treatment is not always effective. In fact, it often does not lead to complete curing. For this reason, some patients diagnosed with the condition could eventually decide to opt for another treatment. It is worth to discuss the effectiveness of these alternative treatments more in detail.

Acupuncture has gained popularity in the useful alternative cancer treatment. Several clinical trials were conducted to test the effectiveness of this method. The evidence shows that this form of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can provide for the strengthening of the immune system. In turn, the body is able to combat the disease.

The extent that acupuncture is effective, however, has not been determined. In addition, there are medical forms of treatment that are designed to use the immune system to fight cancer. They show a good level of efficiency, but they are usually combined with other forms of traditional treatment such as surgery, for example. Given this, it can be said that acupuncture can facilitate the treatment of cancer, but this alternative treatment can be used on its own.

Medicine traditional Ayurvedic Indian and its methods may be used as the alternative cancer treatment. This type of treatment is designed to achieve a perfect balance between mind, body and soul to the use of different techniques. Even if these techniques have shown the positive effects to deal with the anxiety and pain, there is no medical evidence that they are working to kill abnormal tumour cells. This applies to yoga as well.

Aromatherapy and essential oils are also sometimes used as another form of cancer treatment. The results of research show that this therapy is effective for relieving anxiety and depression. Applied topical oils have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial mild effects as well. However, these forms of therapy cannot treat cancer in any way.

This is true for hypnosis and other methods of the mind and body. It was suggested that you can do while using the power of your mind. This includes making them a tumor disappear. The reality is that there is no clinical or any other type of scientific evidence that the methods of the mind and body. It is true however that hypnosis has shown positive results in helping patients deal with traditional medical care and with post-processing effects.

It has been suggested that a specific type of diet can treatment and cure of cancer. The most popular types of this alternative form of cancer treatment is the Gerson therapy. It recommends that the use of a diet detoxification and nutritional supplements to release toxins from the body and it hardening of the tumor. There is no scientific evidence of any kind in support of the application that the Gerson therapy can treat cancer.

Similarly, Gonzalez schema, which includes the use of a specific plan and the contribution of the enzymes, dietary supplements and extracts of animal organs, has not been proven to work. Research on it is limited and the results are conflicting. The contribution of coenzyme Q10 is also sometimes used as an alternative cancer treatment, but there is no evidence whatsoever that it can function effectively.

There are various biological and pharmacological treatments which are used as alternatives to medical traditional forms to treat patients with cancer. These therapies involve the consumption of different drugs, complex natural substances and hormones. These are not designed to treat cancer, but it is thought that they could. The most notable forms of alternative cancer treatment pharmacological and biological include intake antineoplastons, sulfate of hydrazine, 714-X, laetrile and amygdalin.

Bovine cartridge and the shark and Newcastle disease virus are also used for the treatment of cancer. The evidence of the effectiveness of all these substances are not conclusive, if lacking any. It is particularly important for patients undergoing a traditional medical treatment not step to adopt one of these methods without discussion with their oncologist.

Overall, it can safely be said that the alternative cancer treatment has not been proven to be effective. Some of its forms can be effective as complementary to traditional treatment. However, it is also true that some of its forms can be potentially dangerous for patients.

It is particularly important to keep in mind that there are alternative forms offering crooks to heal cancer patients and their families in exchange for money. Given all the information presented above, no one can guarantee treatment and effective alternative treatment.

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