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Apricots - a healthy treat


Apricots are a perfect treat for snacks and deserts. They are very tasty, easy to digest and are very high in fibre, low in calories, fat virtually free and are very nutritious. Fresh apricots just 3 or 10 halves dried provide more than 25% of your recommended dietary allowance of vitamin a in it is plant beta-carotene form. When it is consumed food beta-carotene is an antioxidant, a substance that protects against cell damage when the body uses oxygen. This damage is expected to play a key role in aging and the development of heart disease, cancer and many other diseases.

Fresh apricots are rich in vitamin C, another antioxidant that helps your body absorb iron. Much of this is lost when canned or dried apricots. But no matter what form of apricots, you choose that they are still high iron so that appropriate potassium, essential for nerve and muscle function which helps to maintain normal blood pressure and balance your body fluids.

All apricots contain a natural salicylate, a compound similar to the active ingredient in aspirin. People with allergy to Aspirin may experience allergic reactions to eat apricots.

Ounce for ounce even dried apricots are more nutritious than most fruit fresh or canned. Dried apricots are only 32% of water, while other fruits are 85% water. Apricots are a much more concentrated source of calories, 50 calories 4 ounces of apricots costs versus 260 calories 4 ounces on 30 dried apricot halves. When consumed in moderation the dried apricots are a form of nutrition and a very convenient, compact snack.

Apricots are very often treated with dioxide sulfur before they are dried to preserve their color and certain nutrients. This treatment of sulfite may trigger a crisis of asthma or allergic reaction in some people. At least that the dried apricots are labelled as sulfite free if you have asthma to avoid them.

Now. the laetrile question when it comes to the pits of apricots. Laetrile or amygdalin is that a controversial substance derived from apricots pits. Legally it cannot be sold as medical treatment, but it is available as a nutritional supplement, sometimes called vitamin B17 in natural food stores. He was promoted in other documents or mouth as an alternative treatment for cancer, heart disease, allergies, liver disorders and other diseases. Now, numerous scientific studies have failed to find any benefit of laetrile. Apricots pits Laetrile and other sources can release the cyanide. Consume large quantities of laetrile was the risks of cyanide poisoning, and doctors warn that apricots pits form any should not be consumed.

Vitamin B17 (Laetrile, amygdalin) & efficiency

What are cancer patients to do? 30 Years, the campaign of 30 + billion to cure cancer has failed. Survival rates have not improved and in many cancer patients are told, after suffering numerous series of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, there is nothing more that can be done.
If the search for alternatives is often started when the cancer has spread and there is even less hope of rehabilitation.
A popular alternative cancer treatment is vitamin B17, also called amygdalin or laetrile. Derived from apricots pits, laetrile is not a vitamin.
After the establishment of treatment entrenched cancer, laetrile B17 is a "toxic drug is not effective in the treatment of cancer." But, according to his supporters, laetrile B17 is a natural cure for cancer that has a high rate of healing. Who can believe public? -->

B17 in apricots pits

Hunza Valley distance in Pakistan, where residents are reported to be immunized against cancer from their use of laetrile (amygdalin) B17 in apricots pits.
It is the component of laetrile B17 cyanide that kills cancer cells. Laetrile was used in the treatment of cancer, long before that the modern controversy erupted over its use.
As early as 1845, physicians used purified amygdalin (laetrile) to treat patients with cancer. In the 1920s and 1930s passenger years in the Valley of Hunza in Pakistan claimed that they could not find a single case of cancer in people who lived there and awarded apricot spikes containing laetrile B17 in the diets of Hunza.
In controlled studies, rats suffering from cancer appear to live longer when given leatrile B17. Most human studies have used purified by oral or intravenous laetrile B17, not apricots pits that are widely sold as a cure for cancer. The famous Dr. Hans Nieper, of the Germany later agreed laetrile B17 for prevention of cancer, but not as a treatment of existing tumors.
A secret of the laetrile B17 cancer treatment is the described ability of an enzyme called glucuronidase release cyanide molecules of the carrier and delivery to tumor sites. Glucuronidase is more abundant, where inflammation, infections and tumours occur.
Therefore, the carrier molecules (nitrilosides) make laetrile relatively harmless B17 until it is decompressed by glucuronidase. When withdrawn its carrier, cyanide is delivered to the right place at the right time.

Toxicity of vitamin B17

A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows even in the absence of toxicity when intravenous laetrile B17 is used. [Journal American Medical Association 245: 591-94, 1981]
What modern medicine has done to discredit laetrile B17 was to conduct a study of dog where the enzyme unzipping (glucuronidase) was prematurely produced by combining B17 with paste of almonds. Put dogs nerve lesions developed by prematurely released cyanide.
Even supporters of natural medicine advocating the use of laetrile B17 say should not be used combined with apricots kernels are pre-release cyanide, but it should be purified and administered orally or intravenously, where it is subsequently attached to the carrier (glucuronides) molecules in the liver and transported to the tissue cancer.
In 1998, researchers in London attempted to activate laetrile B17 specifically at the tumor sites without toxicity to healthy cells by amalgam cloned antibodies that would lead to the site of the cancer drug.
This experience has increased the destructive properties of amygdalin fold 36 and virtually eliminated toxic cancer! [International Journal Cancer 78: 712-19, 1998]
If the advice provided by the cancer doctors, that "laetrile B17 should not be used to treat cancer," apparently is correct if you refer to apricots pits. [CA Cancer J Clin 41: 187-92, 1991]
Apricots pits themselves can cause potentially deadly cyanide poisoning. [32: 742 Of the annals - 4 emergency medicine, 1998] Treatment of B17 Laetrile, either administered intravenously or as a product purified by a physician, orally can be effective.
The legendary idea that the people of the Valley of Hunza in remote Pakistan are immunized against cancer is wrong. People live an average of 40 to 65, and they are reported to Pakistan as other cancer. There is no exact birth records to document their longevity.

Natural cancer Cures - most Laetrile products are not Laetrile


cancer-laetrile-amygdalinPlant biochemists have withdrawn their hair on the diversion of the laetrile term. (OK, this is my story for my own baldness, and I paste it!) The main issue is the mixture between a natural and this product that we, the chemists call a semi-synthetic.

Amygdalin - natural real product

Pits apricots and many other types of seeds contain a natural product which is called amygdalin, which is often used as a synonym for laetrile. They are not the same.

Amygdalin is composed of the following elements: a ring of benzene, a nitrile (cyano) group and two molecules of glucose in a side chain as a whole. Although these parts can be set up in many ways, a particular combination is called amygdalin. Chemist are very picky in this way.

Laetrile - semi-synthetic product

Laetrile is composed of the following elements: a benzene ring, a nitrile (cyano) group and a molecule as a group apart glucuronic acid. The question about what is this molecule can be resolved by simply knowing the origin of the word laetrile. It is the name of the molecule, which is laevomandelonitrile.

Why is this Important?

The body of research on laetrile as a natural cure cancer is littered with confusion on which molecule was used in all patient group or lab animal experiment. To make matters worse, the first fact researchers campaign for amygdalin or laetrile - it is not known who - approved as a vitamin, B - 17.

Vitamin B-17 is now available commercially, although it almost certainly is amygdalin most of the time. Representatives of the company do not generally know enough about the subject to clarity about their own products of vitamin B-17.

Amygdalin and Laetrile had anticancer activity?

It is the key issue. It can only respond in theory, based on the supposed mechanism of action of laetrile. It goes as follows:

Tumours enzymes Cleave off the coast of the molecule of laetrile intact glucuronic acid group. The remaining part is then spontaneously decays into two pieces: a molecule of hydrogen cyanide and a molecule of benzaldehyde. Supposedly, once the cyanide molecule is output within the tumor, it goes to kill cancer cells.

Amygdalin partitions the same way, after the tumor enzymes Cleave off the coast of the side chain of glucose. According to this behaviour, amygdalin should have the same mechanism of action against cancer as laetrile.

Enough chemistry - what is the bottom line for cancer?

Laetrile is chemically modified to amyglalin, it can occur as a mixture of 50 / 50 of active and inactive forms. For this reason, a stable concentration of amygdalin should provide the best chance for full anticancer activity.

The key word here is stable. If you have a product that is supposed to be vitamin B-17, amygdalin or laetrile, it can give off the coast of a smell of cyanide (such as the smell of bitter almonds or ground seeds of apple). The smell is stronger, more of the active ingredient, that he has lost.

Are valuable amygdalin/Laetrile cancer treatment?

More than 80 years of research, clinical and several laboratories around the world, shows strong support for an affirmative answer to this question. Another indication is that this treatment, especially in combination with other treatments, has become so good that it was made illegal and chased out of the United States.

The basis of amygdalin/laetrile clinics nearest were in the cities of the Mexican border, especially in Tijuana. Unfortunately, legal problems that arise due to certain sections of the free trade agreement NAFTA led to the closure of some of these cancer centres.

Natural cures for cancer are always good, as they always were. It's just that access has become more challenging in recent years.