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Alternative treatments for Prostate Cancer

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

Chinese men in China have the lowest incidence of prostate cancer. They Chinese perhaps know something on cancer of the prostate that we do not know. According to the TCM philosophy, tumor is the result of blocked or stagnant chi (energy). Doctors agree to this statement, stressing the benefits of regular ejaculation to promote fluid turnover in this region.

Approach to TCM involve regenerating the body with herbs, followed by stimulating the immune system.

Massage of the prostate

Subscribe to the philosophy flowing chi TCM to maintain the health of the prostate, prostate massage and its surrounding neighbourhoods can promote increase blood and relaxing flow, softening and shrinking of the prostate.

Essaic tea

Essaic tea is a proven to reduce the tumor, it is not new. Essaic tea has been used since the 1920s, and it is powerful, even in advanced cancer. Careful considerations should be practised during storage and preparation of essaic tea.

Stay away from the freeze. Preparation must not be made with plastic or aluminum holder.

Noni juice

Plant extract noni, not limited to fruit is not only known for its properties of tumor suppressant, it works very quickly. Patients who have had a significant amount of it (recommended 32 g per day dose) experience an improvement as early as 10 days.

Select a non-sweet version as much as possible, have a strong chance to maintain its medicinal properties and retrieve other parts of the tree as well. The reason behind the miracle of noni juice is it stimulate the body to produce nitric oxide which provide oxygen to the cancerous cell, kill the process.

Noni juice regulate blood circulation (prevent chi stagnation) and nitric oxide decreases cancer growth by boosting the immune defence against spectacular replication of cells. Pregnant women and people with liver complication should not take noni juice.

Amygdalin (Laetrile, vitamin B17)

The researchers found that amygdalin caused a statistically significant increase in the capacity of the white blood cells to adhere to its own cells of prostate cancer, suggesting an immune stimulating the potential of amygdalin.

Commercial amygdalin are usually harvested in the apricot kernels.

Shark cartilage

Inhibitor of angiogenesis, cartilage of shark is not a traditional medicine.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 can be useful in the treatment of cancer, because it strengthen the immune system. Also, the studies conclude that similar CoQ10 (drugs which are similar to the CoQ10) may prevent the growth of cancer cells directly. As an antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 may help prevent cancer from developing countries.

Intravenous vitamin c

Five of the nine types of cancer cells that have been put in the simulated cavity fluid died when concentrated vitamin c has been added to the antenna. Better yet, this deadly solution even had no effect on healthy cells.

Eat your way to get the same level of determination of vitamin c is not viable as the body will eliminate it as quickly as you can eat, hence the need to connect directly to the blood.

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