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Cancer - a natural cure?

Cancer any sends a shudder through your body. No one wants to hear the words, "you have cancer." It is associated with a death sentence and, very often, that unsuspecting and without notice. You feel violated and stole a future. However, you are not alone. One of every three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime and one in four will die. This year only, more than 989,200 people will die of cancer of the United States.
It is possible that there is something in the nature, easily accessible and readily available that could not only to cure cancer, but prevent it? And if there is, why we do not know about it? Why is this not on the evening news and in the titles of all major newspapers? It is possible that there is something sinister at work here?

Take first understand just what is - this natural cure of cancer, and how it works. Hidden deep in the Centre of a fruit without contention and common, apricot, is the secret ingredient called amygdalin or B17. Vitamin B17 is present in hundreds of food, but is particularly rich in foods such as bitter almonds (apricot pits), pits apple, grape grape, millet, beans, most berries, millet and several other pulses and cereals. But its most concentrated form seems to be in the apricot pit.
Amygdalin was first recognized and named more than a hundred years earlier and contained in pharmacological dictionaries as harmless and non-toxic. Some concerns are are posed on one of the elements present in the apricot seed, cyanide. But, like hydrogen and oxygen by themselves are potentially dangerous in the right combination of the two, you have the water which feeds life. Cyanide being present in the apricot seed is therefore necessary to its cancer fighting capabilities. In simple terms, our healthy cells have an enzyme that helps protect against the cyanide, but is however not the case for cancer cells. Therefore, cancer cells are targeted and eliminated by amygdalin or laetrile and cyanide in the apricot seed. Laetrile is concentrated, purified form developed specifically for the treatment of cancer.
Just as years ago, scurvy has proved to be a deficit of simple vitamin C, cancer is also in vitamin a deficiency. By simply supplementing our plans with B17, we can be assured of a healthy life free of cancer. It is possible that the cancer is simply feasible Il common vitamin deficiency?
If it's so easy to prevent and cure cancer ingestion simply apricots kernels, why is so hard to find? Why is it almost impossible to go to the local health store and buy amygdalin or laetrile or even the humble apricot seed? It seems that pharmaceutical companies are interested in conducting studies on the patented chemical products that they invent the money invested generates a huge return. Millions of dollars are apparently spent on drugs of the FDA has approved to help the cancer "treatment", but none of the pharmaceutical companies are interested to use course that they cannot be patented. As g. Edward Griffin says in his book, "World without Cancer", "no substance of nature will never therefore legally available for cancer unless its source may be subject to a monopoly." "He may be not safe and effective, and no matter how many people may have received, it will be always regulated in the category of unproven therapies, which makes it illegal to prescribe, promote and use".
What information we have as common as Medical News Today Web sites? Available video shows what foods are suggested for the prevention of cancer. The statistics are given and percentages are abundant. However, in all listed foods, including nuts and fruit, not a single mention is made of the humble apricot shortly. In the absence of such stunning information lies in the question, why can't we be said about the apricot pit?
The apricot pit. 100% Cure rate, 100% natural, available without a prescription 100 per cent!

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