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The highest concentration of amygdalin is in apricot seed kernels

amygdalyn apricot seeds
What Is Amygdalin?

Amygdalin, commonly called Laetrile, is an alternative cancer treatment that is made from the pits of apricots and other fruits. The drug is given by intravenous injection or by pill. Amygdalin is not approved by the FDA and its use and sale is banned in the United States. According to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, amygdalin is not effective in treating cancer and even has negative side effects in some patients and could even result in death by cyanide poisoning.

Dual diagnosis means that a patient has a drug or alcohol addiction along with a psychiatric or emotional disorder. Many times an emotional disorder, such as depression, may cause a person to seek alcohol or drugs as an escape. This creates what psychologists call a dual diagnosis. Many psychologists and psychiatrists believe that in order to treat the drug or alcohol addiction, you also need to treat the psychiatric disorder. There are rehabilitation facilities that focus on both aspects of the disorder.

Cancer - a natural cure?

Cancer any sends a shudder through your body. No one wants to hear the words, "you have cancer." It is associated with a death sentence and, very often, that unsuspecting and without notice. You feel violated and stole a future. However, you are not alone. One of every three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime and one in four will die. This year only, more than 989,200 people will die of cancer of the United States.
It is possible that there is something in the nature, easily accessible and readily available that could not only to cure cancer, but prevent it? And if there is, why we do not know about it? Why is this not on the evening news and in the titles of all major newspapers? It is possible that there is something sinister at work here?

Survival rate of Cancer of the lung - prevention and Nutrition advice

The survival rates of people with lung cancer over the whole of the population rates of survival for lung cancer 5 years ranges from 5% to 16% international.

There are some factors influence lung cancer survival rate. The scene, it is when a diagnosis, the patient's condition plays the leading role in the determination of survival. The cancer survival is usually expressed in terms of a 5-year survival rate, which is the percentage of patients with cancer survive at least five years after their cancer is diagnosed.
Obviously, there is a way to prevent cancer from even entering your life. There is a method by which you can in fact completely prevent cancer and we forget "Lung Cancer survival rate" discussion here. It is not difficult to bear, or it is just as simple as eating the apricot seeds.

One of nutrition to prevent lung cancer and improve survival rates takes apricots seeds. Apricot is very popular in United States, fresh and dried. However, the formula of nutrition important which can prevent cancer and help the cancer patient is them seeds-also called apricot kernels that can prevent cancer. If you eat a certain amount per day (approximately 7 grams per day, but which may vary), apricots seeds can really prevent you from getting cancer.

Seeds apricots: apricots seeds are natural Alternative Cancer Treatment?

My best friend and life partner, Colleen, is a cancer survivor. In 2000, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Doctors used treatments against cancer traditional on it, including radiation, multiple surgeries, and drug therapy, which lasted several years. It did not take advantage of all this. In 2005, she was diagnosed terminal. This time, she decides to several of its search options. It. She lives today because of this decision. She dedicated her life to helping others with their journey of cancer treatment. My goal is to help the Colleen to help others. I truly believe that cancer is preventable in most cases.
Cancer is on the rise and cancer survival rates have improved slightly, only because the symptoms of cancer are recognized and diagnosed earlier. And many of those diagnosed or who have loved those cancer patients choose to inform more solutions alternative to traditional cancer treatments. Many are realizing that cancer treatment traditionally through the practice of the combustion of radiation poisoning with chemotherapy, surgery may be deleting or not what is good for them. However, one thing which is common for traditional cancer treatment and worlds of alternative cancer treatment is a healthy diet is essential.

Vitamin B17

For many years, the research was conducted around the world seeking a cure for cancer. Amygdalin or laetrile as vitamin B17 is called, has been known to contain ingredients that are beneficial in the fight against cancer. Composed of two glucose molecules, it is extracted from almonds and apricot seeds.
While research is still ongoing and the toxicity of the amygdalin is is clear step, the contribution of this supplement should not be more than 3 grams per day, distributed on three equal intervals. Apricots seeds is not locally available in regular, vitamin stores B17 in its raw form is not readily available. Therefore, natural extracts have been actually used as a substitute.


Apricots seeds can save your life.


Apricots seeds are, like most of nuts and seeds, very nutritious. Apricots seeds have been used to treat tumors as early as AD 502. Apricot seeds are taken by many people in the treatment of cancer, because they contain high doses of vitamin B17, an amplifier of the immune system. Apricots seeds are an essential source of glycosides cyanogenic and laetrile is considered a kind of treatment or cancer.

Do you know what an alternative Option is relative to your health?

The classic definition of alternative medicine is "A system of thought which is a completely different method of the Orthodox approach".

Discuss specifically how it relates to cancer.

The medical establishment considered a tumor or the area of cancer in a localized condition and Orthodox medicine locally treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery.

On the other hand, the other approach considers that cancer is a systemic that takes its source in the whole of the body.

As you can see, these two approaches are totally different from each other. What this means for the physician practice alternative medicine, is that to treat only the area affected by breast cancer is totally wrong. He believes that the entire body must be under treatment.